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2021 Softball Tournament
2021 RCMC 3rd Annual Sandlot Showdown
Benefitting the RCMC SBEF College Scholarship program
Sign up ASAP to be one of the first 60 people to get a guaranteed spot on one of the Sandlot Showdown's softball teams. Help the Rummel Creek Men's Club raise money to provide college scholarships for graduating seniors that attended RCE or our sister school Sherwood Forest Elementary. Our goal is to provide as many $1,000 scholarships through the SBEF as we can and continue the tradition we set 2 years ago with our first scholarship.
This year's Sandlot Showdown will be at the World famous Houston Sportsplex off Beltway and Main so it will be quick and easy for you and your family to find and join in the fun. This new location will provide a cleaner better location than years past plus more variety for food and drink for your visiting fans. Family members and friends can purchase whatever they like at the complex eateries. We are very excited to have this location as due to COVID the city has shut down almost every other potential location. Of course, we will be taking all precautions and expect that you will as well.
So all you have to do is quickly register below and get your name on the list ASAP. Then tell your friends in the hood to register so they can get a spot. Only the first 60 are guaranteed a spot on a team, if you are not the first 60 and do not get on a team your registration will be refunded in full, but get registered fast. All RCMC current 2020/2021 members registration fee is only $75 and non-members are $100. You can join RCMC and become a member if you want to now.
We will be hosting an RCMC HAPPY Hour on Thursday, February 4th to cover more of the basics of the event so make sure you attend that and then teams will be chosen as we get closer to the big day to allow for the teams to meet for practice sessions and to pick a team captain. Or as in the past if you or your company wants to sponsor the event you will be Captain and get to get in on the team picking and team naming. If you are interested in Sponsoring this event please reach out to us at A special thanks to our Sponsors listed below!
As part of your registration, you will get one of the coveted Sandlot Showdown color-coded Team shirts to wear with pride and dignity to all the neighborhood events, weddings, and other goings-on. In addition to the shirts, you will have a chance to have your team name emblazoned on the most glorious trophy of all times, the wonderous GOAT trophy, to be admired by all of your friends and family and you to will have a chance to host the winner's trophy in your home. Invite your friends over for drinks and regal them with wondrous stories of championship ball play and masterful fieldwork that you put in in the agonizing battle to come out victoriously. Your friends will be amazed and your wife will admire and love you when you bring home this incredibly majestic trophy. Dare I say, you will not have to do dishes for at least two weeks. Of course, everyone's personal experiences may differ, I am just saying it is that AWESOME!
Get Registered right now and get ready for a day that will live in infamy on Saturday, March 6th.
Date: Saturday, March 6th
Where: Houston Sportsplex - 12631 S Main St, Houston, TX 77035
Schedule: TBD (Check back after teams are selected)
Format: Up to 8 teams, brackets will be set by blind draw, double elimination.
Team Selection: Teams will be selected by random drawing after registration is complete.
Jerseys: Players will receive jerseys with their team’s color as part of the entry fee.
Equipment: Balls will be provided. All teams will need to bring their own gloves and bats.
Cost: $75 for RCMC Members / $100 for non-members. Register below
Softball Register
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